A few general points

June 9, 2007

I have recieved Prof Bakshi’s interview via email. However i have yet to write to him and get his approval to forward the interview. In the meantime i have recieved a huge number of requests for forwarding the interview. I will try to email to all who have requested it (if prof bakshi is fine with it) , but please bear with me as the number of requests is huge.

I also recieve personal emails several times. I have attempted to answer them but i am not able to do justice to all of them due to personal time constraints. Hope those of you who do not hear me, will understand that i am time constrained and hence may not be able to reply some times. Leaving a comment would be a good idea in such a case. Some other reader on the blog may be able to respond to your query equally well.

Finally if you wish to subscribe to the blog via email , please enter your email id above the blog archives. You will recieve an email update whenever i post a new post.

Please feel free to leave a comment on how to improve the blog further and make it more useful.

4 Responses to “A few general points”

  1. Amit Says:

    Hi Rohit,

    I have not heard back from you regarding Prof. Bakshi’s interview. I understand you are time constrained so I was wondering if we could contact the person who gave you the lecture notes to get a copy?

    If anyone else has a copy please send it to dramitkumar@gmail.com

    Thank you!

  2. Rohit Chauhan Says:

    hi amit
    i have written to prof bakshi …i am waiting for a response


  3. Joe Says:

    Hi Rohit – Would appreciate it if you could also drop me a copy of Prof. Bakshi’s interview at anil.l.alexander@gmail.com


  4. Anonymous Says:

    Rohit – mistyped my email id earlier….its anil.j.alexander@gmail.com.

    Please send me the detailed version of Prof Bakshi’s interview.


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